"Booty Telephone call" is a hilarious and audacious series of sexual flash games that adheres to the ill fortunes of a charming loser named Jake. Each installment offers players with a selection of crazy circumstances and comical obstacles as Jake navigates the typically absurd world of dating and romance in his pursuit to score a night of interest. Armed with quick wit and an uncertain set of strategies, Jake encounters a cast of quirky characters ranging from frisky pals to eccentric love passions, all while dealing with unanticipated twists that keep players coming back for more.
That you play a pickup artist named Jake. You are at your friends wedding and your objective is to get laid at least once. Tip: Sister - Coke.. Further think by Yourself!:)
No booties at the bar tonight? Jake has no fears concerning that since he has a collection of booties in his phone to select from! Ofcourse he has tried tehse booties already yet who recognizes - possibly one of these bitches has found out some new methods? Now aid Jake to make a right selection so this night would not be wasted for nothing in this new episode of hot and funny "Booty Telephone call" series!
Getting yourself into a booty trap is not always a bad and stupid thing to do especially when this is the booty trap set by renowned (at least for those who have played"League of Legends" videogame before) redhead pirate Miss Fortune! So from now on you have just one choice from only two options - would you fuck her wet fuckbox or her tight butthole? And after this clearly quite uneasy choice will be done the main fun will begin! And even though this is merely one but colorful and prettily animated romp arena there is still some side activity for you as a player - explore the captain's cabin in look for specific items which will let you to change Miss Fortune's hot outfits on the go! Will you discover the all? You don't have to guess when you can figure it out!